Guide to Motor legal Protection

May 22, 2024 by Zoe Hicks – 5 mins read

UK roads can often feel like navigating a minefield, with uncertainties lurking around every turn, making the journey daunting for motorists. In the face of this unpredictability, motor legal protection emerges as a beacon of reassurance. But what exactly is it, and why is it essential? In Motorscan’s comprehensive guide, we delve into the benefits, costs, and alternatives, empowering motorists on the way forward!

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, navigating UK roads can sometimes feel like an accident waiting to happen. Numerous uncertainties can arise during any journey, from unexpected damage causing potholes to cars running red lights or drivers not paying attention to slowing traffic. Amidst this uncertainty, one aspect that motorists often consider is motor legal protection. In the unfortunate event of a dispute or accident, having the right coverage can offer invaluable peace of mind and financial security. With our latest guide, Motorscan aims to shed light on motor legal protection, offering clarity and guidance to motorists seeking to safeguard themselves and their interests on the road!

What is motor legal protection?

Motor legal protection, or legal expenses insurance, covers the costs associated with legal proceedings defending or pursuing motoring-related incidents, such as road accidents, disputes with other motorists, or issues regarding the purchase or repair of a vehicle. While not mandatory, motor legal protection offers valuable financial assistance and access to legal advice, serving as an optional add-on to car insurance policies and providing peace of mind for motorists facing potential legal challenges on the road.

What does motor legal protection cover?

Motor legal protection typically covers personal injury either to yourself or any passengers, damage to your car if you don’t have fully comprehensive car insurance, loss of earnings if you’re left unable to work, and a range of legal costs, including expenses like hiring a solicitor, court fees, legal representation in court proceedings, and other associated legal expenses. Additionally, some policies may offer access to legal advice hotlines or assistance with recovering uninsured losses, such as vehicle repair costs or medical expenses not covered by other insurance policies.

Is motor legal protection cover worth it?

Whether motor legal protection is worth it depends on various factors, including individual circumstances, risk level, and budget. It’s also advisable to review your existing insurance policies to determine if they already include legal expenses coverage or similar benefits, as you don’t want to duplicate coverage unnecessarily. Some common considerations to think about are as follows: 

  • Risk Exposure: If you frequently drive or commute in high-traffic areas, the likelihood of being involved in a motoring-related incident may be higher, making legal protection more valuable.
  • Financial Risk: Legal proceedings can be costly, and having coverage can mitigate the financial burden of legal fees and court expenses.
  • Cost vs. Benefit: Compare the the cost of motor legal protection premiums with the likelihood and potential costs of legal proceedings without having coverage.
  • Policy Coverage: Assess whether the policy includes access to legal advice hotlines and support, which can be valuable in understanding legal processes and your rights as a motorist.

How much is motor legal protection?

The cost of motor legal protection can vary depending on the insurance provider, level of coverage, type of vehicle insured, driver’s age and driving history, and geographic location. On average, premiums for motor legal protection typically range from £20 to £50 per year when added to a car insurance policy as an optional extra. However, prices may be higher for policies with more extensive coverage or for drivers considered to be at higher risk.

How do I get motor legal protection cover?

Typically, obtaining motor legal protection involves adding it as an optional extra to your car insurance policy, which can be done during the application or renewal process. Insurers will offer the option to add legal expenses coverage for an additional premium. Alternatively, some insurers like the RAC offer motor legal protection as a standalone product, separate from car insurance policies. Whichever way you turn, before deciding, it’s crucial to shop around, compare policies, and review the coverage details and terms to ensure they align with your needs.

Do I need motor legal protection?

Whether you need motor legal protection depends on your circumstances. While not mandatory, this coverage can offer financial assistance and legal support in motoring-related legal proceedings or disputes, providing peace of mind for motorists concerned about potential costs and legal complexities.

What are the pros & Cons of motor legal protection?

There are several factors to consider. Here, Motorscan provides the most common advantages and disadvantages to motor legal protection:


  • Financial Protection: Motor legal protection covers your legal expenses associated with motoring-related incidents, helping mitigate the often high costs of legal disputes and proceedings.
  • Access to Legal Support: Policyholders gain access to legal advice and support, which can be invaluable when navigating complex legal processes and understanding your rights as a motorist.
  • Peace of Mind: Legal protection provides peace of mind, knowing that you have coverage in case of disputes, accidents, or other legal issues related to your vehicle.


  • Additional Cost: Motor legal protection comes with an extra cost added to your car insurance premium, potentially increasing overall expenses. However, the premiums for such a policy are typically minimal and outweigh the price of expensive legal assistance and proceedings.
  • Limited Coverage: Policies may have limitations on coverage, such as specific exclusions or caps on legal expenses, which could impact the effectiveness of the protection. It’s, therefore, crucial to thoroughly check policy terms to ensure it provides adequate coverage.

What alternatives are there to motor legal protection?

There are several alternatives to motor legal protection. Each has advantages and limitations, and the most suitable option relies on factors such as the nature of the legal issue, your financial situation, and personal preferences. It’s essential to carefully consider all available options to determine the best way forward for you:

  • After the Event Insurance (ATE): ATE insurance covers legal expenses incurred after an event, such as a road accident, and is typically purchased after the incident occurs. It provides financial protection for legal costs if you lose your case and may be available through solicitors or specialist insurance providers. However, as ATE insurance is often purchased after an incident occurs, it is riskier for insurers and thus potentially results in higher premiums than motor legal protection policies.
  • No Win, No Fee Solicitors: Also known as Conditional Fee Agreements (CFAs), this arrangement allows you to hire a solicitor without paying upfront fees. If your case is successful, the solicitor’s fees are typically recovered from the opposing party. However, they usually only cover personal injury, and if you lose, you may still be responsible for certain expenses, such as court fees.

Legal Aid: Legal Aid is a UK government-funded scheme that provides financial assistance to individuals who cannot afford legal representation. However, eligibility criteria are stringent, and funding is limited to cases involving serious issues or where there is a risk of harm or loss of liberty.


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