Car check history for FE16OJB

Full vehicle history check for FE16OJB

Get a comprehensive vehicle report for FE16OJB that covers Outstanding Finance, Stolen and Exported and Plate/Colour Changes just for £9.99.

Frequently asked questions related to FE16OJB

You can check the history of this vehicle for free by clicking on the "Run a free basic check" button above. This will tell you all the running costs, tax rates, technical specs, MOT history and more!

FE16OJB was registered on 2016.08.08

Vehicle tax rates are based on engine size or fuel type and CO2 emissions. It also depends on when the vehicle was registered. Enter your reg on motorscan to find out how much it would cost to tax this vehicle

We can provide you with a free vehicle check, just enter your reg above to find out your vehicle's specifications, export history, MOT history, road tax + more.

This vehicle FE16OJB is a Black FORD GALAXY
Colour Black
Fuel Type Diesel
Vehicle Registration FE16OJB
Road Tax Status
Insurance Costs Check now
Stolen Check
Over 300 cars are stolen every day
Finance Check
Powered by Experian
1 in 7 vehicles have outstanding finance.

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